An update to all our fans on whats going on, due to no one commenting on our last post we will not be making a Maze of Fear 2, we have decided to move onto a different project after One Piece World 2.
One Piece World 2 update
The game is coming along fantasticly, we are very happy with how it has turned out so far, we have added a few things that we believe will make the game more challenging without sacrificing any of the story or enjoyment of the game, prepare to explore the One Piece World like never before, as far as a release date goes however the game is not done yet, it will still take quite some time before it is ready to be released.
We thank you for your patience and remind you that we are working very hard to get this project done but we will not release it until we feel it is ready without having to deal with any drawbacks due to bugs.
Next Project after One Piece 2
Our next project will be a Devil Kid Original game, The Last Day on Earth, the game will be our biggest project to date, besides One Piece, more information on this project will be revealed later.
Thank you for your patience,
When will one piece wrold 2 come out? (don't mean to be impolite)
still some time, I'd love to give an immediate answer but we are still working on it, we will let everyone know how long we project it to be released in the next update.